M. Akif Topçuoğlu,
President of Turkish Society of Neurology (2021-2023)
In the thirtieth anniversary of the establishment of our Society, we held the 58th National Neurology Congress on 18-24 November 2022 at the Pine Beach Hotel (Antalya).
Our congress, which was endorsed by the European Academy of Neurology (EAN), was implemented with a few minor changes in its usual architecture. Educational courses were held for the first two days, followed by congress activities for three days. We left the hotel on the morning of the sixth day of our arrival.
Turkish Society of Neurology traditional Science Awards found their owners at the opening of this year's congress. Prof. Dr. Tülay Kansu, who is one of the founders and former presidents of the Turkish Society of Neurology, and Prof. Mehmet Özmenoğlu, who is one of the former board members and long-term editor of Turkish Neurological Bulletin received this award in 2022. The awards were given by the President of the Turkish Society of Neurology. The presentations introducing our professors were performed by Assoc. Prof. İlksen Işıkay and Prof. Dr. Cavid Boz.
The main theme of the congress was “Neurological Intensive Care” in 2022. On the first day, nine invited speakers from abroad took part in the main conferences. Prof. Elena Moro,who is EAN President-Elect; Prof. Chiara Robba, who is Head of Neurointensive Care Department of the European Society for Intensive Care (ESICM); Prof. Nicolas Gaspard who is co-chairman of EAN Neurological Intensive Care Management Group; Prof. Reimund Helbok, who is former (2020-2022) EAN Neurological Intensive Care Management Group Co-Chair; Prof. Kiwon Lee agho is the editor of "The NeuroICU Book"; and Prof. Adam Handel who is a world-wide renowned neuroimmunologist had participated in our congress. Prof. C. Robba and prof. R. Helbok attended the meetings online. Three neurologists making us proud with their own scientific activities abroad, Prof. Nilüfer Ertekin-Taner, Prof. Turgut Tatlısumak and Prof. Duygu Selcen added value to our congress with their conferences [Picture 1].
The first two days of the congress were devoted to educational courses as usual. There were 39 presentations in three full-day courses and 203 presentations in thirty half-day courses. During the congress, 84 titles were discussed in 28 workshops, 30 titles in thirteen specialist counseling sessions, and 61 topics in twelve treatment night sessions. The “Coffee with the Professor” sessions, which were introduced this year with the realization of the idea of the AGUH (Resident and young neurology specialist chapter of Turkish Society of Neurology) working group, that is the newest working group of Turkish Society of Neurology) attracted great attention. It will certainly continue in next years.
Within the scope of our National Neurology Congress, this year the European Academy of Neurology and the Turkish Society of Neurology held a joint session with the theme of "Neurological Intensive Care". The topic of the session was "Neurocritical Care After Cardiopulmonary Arrest: Role of neurologists to improve Recovery and Survival". The moderator of the session was M. Akif Topçuoğlu, who is the current president of the Turkish Society of Neurology, and Şerefnur Öztürk, who is one of the former presidents of the Turkish Society of Neurology and current European Academy of Neurology Neurological Intensive Care Management Group Co-Chair. Topics of the session were "Therapeutic temperature modulation in cardiopulmonary arrest survivors" (Prof. R. Helbok); "Prognosis prediction after cardiopulmonary arrest: the role of MRI and EEG" prof. N. Gaspard; "The Regional Situation in Neurointensive Care: Before, During and After the Pandemic" (prof. R. Helbok) and Finally "Acute stroke in young people and the need for intensive care" (prof. Dragana Petrovska, Current President of the Macedonian Neurology Society) [Picture 2]
As of 12.11.2022, 922 papers were accepted at the 58th National Neurology Congress. This was 29% higher than the average of 715 in previous years. Of these, 219 were platform, 121 were moderated e-posters, 180 were print posters and 402 were e-posters, and 62% were case reports. The number was later reduced to 891 when some papers were withdrawn due to financial problems. Despite this, our 58th Congress has gained the distinction of being the congress with the most paper presentations to date. 617 people entered the congress presentation registration system, which represents an increase of nearly 50% compared to the average of 407 in the previous year and should be considered as an indicator of the increase in participation. This year, with a few exceptions, case reports were not included in the oral presentation sessions. A similar practice will be continued in the next year, and the number of oral presentations will be reduced. Unfortunately, the interest in the oral presentation sessions did not reach the desired level this year.
The 58th Congress was the national neurology congress with the highest participation of neurologists and at the same time the most scholarship support of the Society. Turkish Society of Neurology is proud to welcome all neurology residents, specialists and retirees who have applied for scholarships at the congress.
This year, Turkish Society of Neurology Awards found their owners at the Gala night. In addition to the 3 best oral and poster presentations selected by the Turkish Society of Neurology Science Board, the Abdi İbrahim Research of the Year award and the Turkish Neurology Journal's best 3 articles of the year awards were presented at the Gala. For the first time this year, neurology residency training programs of the University of Health Sciences Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital Neurology Clinic and Gazi University Faculty of Medicine Neurology Department were accredited by the Turkish Neurology Qualification Board, and their certification awards were therein presented. The awards of the Turkish Society of Neurology Short film competition and photography competitions were also presented at the Gala night.
The year 2022 was the year in which the most new members were registered to the Society.
The number of members of our Society, which turned 30 this year, reached 3660 on 16.11.2022. 2302 of our members are in the main category and 1358 of our members are in the honorary category. 1115 of our honorary members are neurologists. In 2022, 377 new members were registered to Turkish Society of Neurology, which is 11.5% of the total number of members. Acting with its motto that “There should be no neurologist who is not a member of the Turkish Society of Neurology!”, our board of directors will continue to work in this context.
Turkish Society of Neurology training and project scholarships were increased approximately 5 times.
Turkish Society of Neurology increased its project grants from 50.000 TL at the beginning of the year to 250,000 TL with a 5 fold increase. In addition, The study abroad scholarship was increased from 7,000 monthly to 30,000 with an increase of 4.3 times. And, the domestic education scholarship has also increased from 2.000 TL per month to 10.000 TL with an increase of 5 times. The Turkish Society of Neurology has been supporting the research and education of its members for many years. In the last ten years, the number of neurologists given educational scholarship has exceeded 100. A total of 22 people were supported for 195 months in the country and 401 months for 79 mmbers for abroad. Currently, 6 members in Turkey and 3 members abroad are actively supported. Our project support has reached twenty this year and our 3 project support (236,000 TL) is active. Although the research project support of the Turkish Society of Neurology is much higher than that provided by many universities, it does not receive enough attention from our members. We invite all our members to get information about the Turkish Society of Neurology project support and to apply.
Turkish Neurology Board activities and accreditations of the first institutions
Turkish Society of Neurology gave priority to Turkish Neurology Board activities in 2022. The major breakthrough of the Turkish Neurology Board during the year was made possible by the great contributions of many of our teachers and members, mainly by Prof. Dr. Neşe Çelebisoy, who is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Turkish Neurology Board; Prof. Filiz Koç, who is the head of qualification accreditation commission of the Turkish Neurology Board; and Prof. Dr. Hatice Mavioğlu who serves as the chairman of the Proficiency Exam Commission of the Turkish Neurology Board [Picture 3]
Turkish Neurology Board was established in 2004. It has carried out very successful activities such as Turkish Neurology Board exams and Board preparation courses for these exams. In 2010, a booklet describing the activities of the Turkish Neurology Board until then was written by Prof. Dr. Şerefnur Öztürk, who was also the Chairman of the Turkish Neurology Board, and the studies and activities were explained thein. After the first 10 years and until the pandemic, A expanded second edition of this booklet, which compiles the point reached in 2022, was also published this year by prof. Ayşe Bora Tokçaer, who has active responsibilities and duties in the board including the chairmanship of the Turkish Neurology Board; Prof. Dr. Mehmet Akif Topçuoğlu, Prof. Dr. Nese Celebisoy, Prof. Dr. Filiz Koç and Prof.Serefnur Öztürk.
The Turkish Neurology Board Exam preparation course was held on line in 2022, more than fifty lessons were written and turned into book chapters by our instructors, and finally, a stand-alone Board preparation book of 454 pages was published under the editorship of Prof. Dr. Nese Celebisoy and Prof. Dr. M. Akif Topçuoğlu. In addition, the questions and answers of the Turkish Neurology Board Exams in previous years were prepared and published as a separate book by Prof. Dr. Hatice Mavioğlu and Prof. Dr. Mehmet Akif Topçuoğlu.
In order to activate the Turkish Neurology Board, which almost came to a standstill as in other associations during the pandemic period, the current qualification board of directors was first updated on 7-February-2022 by replacing the missing members. A revision of the Turkish Neurology Board Directive was prepared on 10-May-2022 with a great effort studies lasting approximately 3 months. During this period, Turkish Neurology board accreditation preparations continued under the leadership of Prof-Dr-Filiz Koç. It should be noted that the mentorship of Prof-Dr-Orhan Odabaşı during the preparation period made a significant contribution. The Directive was then submitted for review by all our members and was finalized in numerous web-based meetings. On 10 June 2022, the Turkish Neurology board Extraordinary General Assembly convened in Ankara. The directive prepared in this meeting with broad participation was accepted. In the extraordinary general assembly, the Turkish Neurology Board Executive Board of Dircdtors were elected to serve until the next general assembly to be held at the 2024 National Neurology Congress. Accordingly, President Neşe Çelebisoy, Sevim Erdem Özdamar, Levent Güngör, Sibel Velioğlu, İpek Midi, Necdet Karlı, Taşkın Duman, Özden Şener and Murat Terzi became 'main' members in the Turkish Neurology Board Executive Board, while Tülay Kurt İncesu, Aslı Tuncer, Hesna Bektaş, Çağdaş Erdoğan, Beril Dönmez Çolakoğlu and Serpil Demirci took place as alternate members. On 13 June 2022 the Turkish Neurology board Executives, chaired by Neşe Çelebisoy, determined the Turkish Neurology Board Commissions. While Filiz Koç is the head of the accreditation commission, its members are Hadiye Şirin, Betül Baykan, Füsun Mayda Domaç, Hakan Kaleağası, Işın Ünal Çevik, Serap Üçler, Dilek İnce Günal and Mehmet Ufuk Aluçlu. Hatice Mavioğlu was the head of the examination commission, while the membership included Füsun Ferda Erdoğan, Bülent Cengiz, Figen Tokuçoğlu, Meltem Demirkıran, Semiha Gülsüm Kurt, Esen Saka Topçuoğlu, Özgül Ekmekçi, Bijen Nazlıel and Figen Gökçay. Our instructors, all of whom are in TUKMOS commissions, took part in the development commission of Turkish Neurology Board Training Programs. While Vildan Yayla was the chairman of the commission, its members were Hasan Hüseyin Kozak, Ethem Murat Arsava, Murat Kürtüncü and Mehmet Güney Şenol. Finall STE/SMG commission was established with Şebnem Bıçakçı, the head of the commission, and Nefati Kıylıoğlu and Canan Togay Işıkay, the members.
If we remind the processes we explained in detail in the previous issue of the Bulletin, the current forms and documents regarding the accreditation system were published by the Turkish Neurology Board Educational Institutions and Programs Evaluation (Accreditation) commission on 06.07.2022. On 05.08.2022, for the first time in the history of Turkish Neurology Board, the Accreditation Visit Call was made and the calendar and flow schema for the 2022 processes were published. An online training meeting was held at the end of August for 6 centers that applied positively after the call in the process carried out by the Turkish Neurology Board Accreditation Commission chaired by Prof. Dr. Filiz Koç. At this meeting, the rules and requirements for the preparation of the Training Center Self-evaluation report were conveyed. Hamidiye Medical Faculty, Istanbul Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital Neurology Department and and Gazi University Faculty of Medicine Neurology Department who submitted the self-evaluation reports and these reports were found to be sufficient in form and content on On 10.10.2022 and 24.10.2022, respectively. It carried out accreditation visits on 31.10.2022, and both of our centers became the first institutions in Turkey to receive a Turkish Neurology Board Competency Certificate.
Turkish Neurology Board Proficiency exams have been successfully implemented for nearly twenty years and only could not be held in 2020 during the pandemic period. The 18th of the Turkish Neurology Board Qualification Exams, which was run with the participation of approximately 1300 neurology specialists and with a success rate of 75%, was successfully held on 19 November 2022 during the 58th National Neurology Congress. Of the 65 candidates who applied for the exam, 40 took the exam and a success rate of 77.5% was achieved. It should be underlined that Assoc. Doc. Dr. S. Ahmet Çalışkan, who is from Ege University Medical Faculty, made very important contributions to the realization and performance of these examinations for years and years.
Success of Conferences, Symposiums, Workshops, Courses and Schools organized by the Working Groups of Turkish Society of Neurology
In 2022, the 18th Headache Winter School, the 19th Neuropathic Pain Symposium, the 5th Neuromuscular Diseases Congress and the 4th Interventional Neurology Symposium were held physically, while the 5th Sleep Medicine Workshop in Neurological Diseases, 7th Algology Course, 6th Rare Neurological Diseases and Neurogenetics Course, 4th Neuronutrition Symposium, Neuroophthalmology Neurootology Symposium, 4th Quality of Life in Neurological Diseases Workshop and Turkish Society of Neurology Neurology Nursing Course were held on line. 7th Behavioral Neurology and Dementia School, 2nd Neuromodulation Symposium, Gait and Balance Disorders & Fall Course, Neurorehabilitation Symposium, Child and Adolescent Neurology Winter School and Neuroepidemiology Symposium will be held before the end of the year or just at the beginning of the new year.
Turkish Society of Neurology Publications published many books in the year it was founded.
Turkish Society of Neurology Publications was officially established on 26.3.2022. It has succeeded in publishing 10 books before the end of the year it was founded [Table 1]. At least five more books have been brought to the typesetting stage, and the work for twenty books, which is the target for the end of 2023, continues with great effort. Congratulations to all of our colleagues who planned, wrote, edited and redacted these books, or contributed otherwise. This journey would not have been possible without their great effort.
Books previously published by the Turkish Society of Neurology were made available to members on the website.
Shortly after our board of directors took office, first of all, we researched, identified and examined all the books published by Turkish Society of Neurology in the past, and prepared the PDF formats of 9 books that were kept up-to-date and presented them to our members on the new page we created on the website [Table 2].
We send Turkish Society of Neurology Publications to our members free of charge.
Publications of Turkish Society of Neurology are available free of charge to members in e-book format on the website of Turkish Society of Neurology, as well as to members who request it. In this context, 5912 books were sent to our members by 2972 cargo units in the six-month period until 11.11.2022. What our member needs to do in order to access the books is to fill in the book request form by entering the relevant section on the Turkish Society of Neurology page with his/her own password.
Neurology TV
As has been the case for years, Turkish Society of Neurology offers its members, as it has been for years, the presentations it made at its meetings, especially in National Congresses and Turkish Neurology Board Courses, within the content of Neurology TV. Our members can watch hundreds of videos placed in the last 5 years herein. In this context, presentations of the 58th National Neurology Congress were prepared for neurology TV in a short time.
Turkish Society of Neurology Webinar TV
Online webinars, some courses, workshops and symposiums organized by Turkish Society of Neurology working groups in the last 3 years are presented to our members under the "Webinar" tab. In addition to nearly one hundred self-contained webinars in this section, some video presentations of our important activities such as “2022 Algology Course”, “4th Neuronutrition Symposium” and “2022 Neuro-Ophthalmology / Neuro-Otology Symposium” can be attained therein.
Webinars are put into service on our website within one week from the date they are perfomed. In this context, 28 webinars, organized by 17 working groups in 2022, are available for our members attention therein. The public webinar, which was held as part of the World Stroke Day on October 29, was watched by nearly twenty thousand people in this process. It is one of our dreams to increase such public webinars.
Turkish Society of Neurology maintain close cooperation and take part in the activities of European Academy of Neurology (EAN) and World Neurology Federation (WFN).
Members of the Turkish Society of Neurology are institutional members of EAN, and the dues required for this membership are covered by our Society. In this context, the opportunities that our members can benefit from are available on our website. The link to the training presentations offered by EAN-ERN-RND is available in the EAN webinars tab on Turkish Society of Neurology's website. Turkish Society of Neurology has been continued WFN membership on behalf of our members for years.
Question of the week
The "Question of the Week" section, which has been going on for years and has more than 300 issues, on the website of the Turkish Society of Neurology has been prepared by Prof Dr. Kayıhan Uluç since the day it was founded [Picture 4]. In this interesting section, you can refresh your knowledge and position your answers relative to your other colleague.
Turkish Society of Neurology Seasonal Schools of Medical Statistics
We organized a Statistics Fall School in September and October this year with the participation of approximately sixty colleagues, in two sets (80 hours in total), each lasting one month within the scope of Societal educational activities. The school has four modules titled "Basic Statistical Data Analysis", "Advanced Data Analysis", "Statistical Power Analysis with Gpower" and "Introduction to Meta-Analysis", each lasting 7 days. Trainer was Dr. Naci Murat, who is Lecturer at 19 Mayıs University Industrial Engineering Department. Lessons were carried out interactively and on line. Attendance Certificates were presented to our members who successfully completed the course. The second of the statistics school will continue with the “Statistics Winter School” in January and February. It is planned to add the "Scale Development and Structural Equation Modeling" module to our school.
Turkish Journal of Neurology: To the better
Our Turkish Journal of Neurology started its publication adventure in 1995. the founding Editor of the Journal was Prof. Dr. Kaynak Selekler and he continued on this duty until the end of 1999. Since then, Prof. Dr. Baris Baklan, Prof. Dr. Oguz Tanridag, Prof. Dr. Tulay Kansu, Prof. Dr. Yeşim Parman, Prof. Dr. Murat Kurtuncu and Prof. Dr. Ayşe Bora Tokçaer successfully completed their editorial duties. Starting from the end of 2021, Prof. Dr. Şerefnur Öztürk took the editorship responsibility. In addition to assistant editors, 21 section editors, language editors and special section editors were determined, national and international committees were merged and updated, and a 61-member Composite Advisory Board was formed.
In 2022, the architecture of the journal was homogenized and it was decided to publish at least 8 research articles in addition to one review, opinion or editorial in each issue. The direct case report format was removed for 2022 and 2023, but case experiences continued to be shared in shorter formats such as clinical presentations and letters to the editor.
Although the Turkish Journal of Neurology is developing gradually, it is clear that a higher performance is needed. For this purpose, the fact that Turkish neurologists preferring Turkish Journal of Neurology, as ESCI and TR-DİZİN journal, especially for their research articles seems to be the biggest factor that will contribute to the solution. As of October 31, our journal was ranked 256th among 267 journals indexed in the Clinical Neurology subset of the Web of Science (WoS). While 303 of the 901 articles indexed within the scope of WoS were cited, 66.4% were not cited. 14.3% of articles that received two or more citations; Articles with five or more citations are 2.7%, and articles with ten or more citations are 0.03%.
Among the articles published in the journal, more references are made to "Scalings developed or adapted for our country", "Multicenter epidemiological studies especially conducted in Turkey", "Social guidelines with broad participation" and "Multicenter Genetic studies". The 3 most cited articles are “Standardization of Benton Face Recognition Test in Turkish Normal Adult Population” (2008, Keskinkılıç, Cahit); “Gülhane Aphasia Test-2 Standardization, Validity and Reliability Study” (2007, Mavis, İlknur; Çolay, Kemal; Topbaş, Seyhun; Tanrıdağ, Oğuz) and “Screening for Cognitive Disorder in Multiple Sclerosis with MOCA Test” (2013, Aksoy) ), Selma; Timer, Sure; Mumcu, Sibel; Akgun, Mucella; Kivrak, Elifnur; Örken, Dilek Necioğlu) and a scale adaptation study for our country.
However, in the last 5 years, it is observed that there has been a visible increase in the citation rate of our articles. The rate of articles that receive multiple citations per year is 1.6%, and “The COVID-19 from Neurological Overview (Acar, Turkan et al); “Nutritional Approach and Treatment in Patients with Stroke, An Expert Opinion for Turkey (Arsava, Ethem Murat et al) published in 2018 and “Standardization of Benton Face Recognition Test in a Turkish Normal Adult Population” (Keskinkilic, Cahit) published in 2008 were noted as the articles with the highest citation rate.
The h factor of the Turkish Journal of Neurology dated 1.10.2022 was '6'. The h factor of the Turkish Neurosurgery journal, which started its publication life in 1990, is 29. The h factor of the Turkish Journal of Psychiatry, which started its publication life in 1992, is 30, and the h factor of the journal 'Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology-DIR', the publication organ of the Turkish Society of Radiology, is 47. The societal journals of the Neurosurgery, Psychiatry and Radiology managed to be indexed in SCI-E and Pubmed. While the first two are Q3, DIR is in category Q2. The performance of the Turkish Journal of Neurology is not at the same level as the these journals in terms of the temporal course of citation rates per article. Taking our precious Journal to a better level is only possible if we all take full ownership of it In this respect, it is very important to be a volunteer referee for the journal, to take an active role in the editorial boards and to publish their best work in this journal. We should not forget that it is only in our hands to make the Turkish Journal of Neurology the most important academic environment in our country.
The archive of the Turkish Journal of Neurology is in the process of being completed.
One of our former Society presidents, Prof. Dr. Şerefnur Öztürk has been the editor of the Turkish Journal of Neurology, that had started its broadcasting life in 1995, for the past year. Within the scope of the project of digitizing the entire archive of the Turkish Journal of Neurology, starting with the first issue, and putting it into the service of medicine, in addition to the first 19 issues of the journal, 56 (fifty-six) issues and 11 (eleven) additional issues could be obtained, and scannable pdf contents were added to the archive section of the journal's website. However, some journal issues have not been reached yet. Missing issues of the Turkish Journal of Neurology, which have not yet been reached, are 1999 Volume 5 issue 3; 1999 Volume 5 issue 4, 2000 Volume 6 issue 2, 2000 Volume 6 issue 3, 2001 Volume 7 issue 3; The 7th volume of 2001 is the 4th issue, and the 9th volume is the 4th issue of 2003. If you have a hard copy of these journals, sending it to Turkish Society of Neurology or informing it directly is very important for the completion of the project. Thank you in advance.
Turkish Society of Neurology “Health for Your Brain!” campaign
Turkish Society of Neurology has extended the 22nd of July Brain Day, declared by the World Neurology Federation (WFN), to raise awareness of neurological diseases in our country, and turned it into "Health for Your Brain Week". The main theme of WFN for this year was “Brain Health: For All” and the main principles of the route were “Awareness”, “Prevention”, “Advocacy”, “Education” and “Access”. In this context, several titles were published including 'Protecting brain health' by Prof. Dr. M. Akif Topçuoğlu, who ise current President of the Turkish Society of Neurology; 'Brain health as you age: Alzheimer's disease' by Dr. Neşe Tuncer, who is Moderator of the Dementia and Behavioral Neurology Working Group of Turkish Society of Neurology; 'World Brain Day' by Assoc Prof Dr Armağan Uysal, who is the co-moderator of the Young Neurologists Working Group of Turkish Society of Neurology; 'World Brain Day / Brain Health for All' by Prof. Dr. Hikmet Yılmaz, who is the Moderator of the Neuroepidemiology Working Group of Turkish Society of Neurology; 'Brain Health for All: Headache' by Prof. Dr. Şebnem Bıçakçı, who is the moderator of the Headache Study Group of Turkish Society of Neurology; 'Brain health: for everyone on July 22 World Brain Day" by Assoc. prof. Dr. Gülçin Benbir Şenel, who is the Moderator of the Sleep Medicine Study Group of Turkish Society of Neurology; “What Can We Do For Our Brain Health?”" by Prof. Dr. Dilek İnce Güna, who is the moderator of Movement Disorders Working Group of Turkish Society of Neurology [Picture 5]. The movie "5 ways to protect our brain health" was also produced and published in this week.
Turkish Society of Neurology “In question” Campaign
In the second phase of the campaign, Turkish Society of Neurology developed the theme "In question" to draw attention to six common brain diseases that have become a public health problem today. Motto was "When it comes to 'Parkinson', the solution is in neurology!". Of course, if it was 'stroke', 'MS' or 'Alzheimer' or 'Epilepsy' or 'Migraine', the solution was again in neurology [Picture 6]. If these core brain diseases are diagnosed, treated, and followed up by neurologists, the benefit to both patients and society is critically increased. Turkish Society of Neurology emphasized this fact as much as possible. You can find detailed information about the campaign in societal bulletins.
The third phase of our neurology public awareness campaign was launched on November 1, 2022, focusing on the 21 most common neurological symptoms. The motto was "If it is one of the 21 symptoms in question, the solution is in neurology". Namely, If there is a "Hand and foot numbness", "Difficulty in swallowing, chewing", "Involuntary muscle contraction", "Hand tremor", "Restless legs", "Forgetfulness", "Speech disorder", "Dizziness", "Headache", “Fainting”, “Double vision”, “Weakness in the arm”, “Weakness in the leg”, “Imbalance”, “Inability to walk”, “Paralysis”, “Face paresis”, “Sleeping problem”, “spasm, jerk or involuntary contraction”,"fall" and a "sudden vision loss", the solution is in neurology [Picture 7]. The “In question” campaign still continues without interruption and without slowing down and will be enriched with different activities.
Turkish Society of Neurology Working Groups
There are 25 scientific working groups and 8 working groups under the umbrella of Turkish Society of Neurology. Scientific Study groups shape neurology graduate education by organizing webinars and independent symposiums, congresses or workshops throughout the year, as well as preparing a program related to their subjects at the National Neurology Congress. They provide coordination and representation with national or local disease-based associations and EAN working groups and committees operating in the field, if applicable. The moderator, active and participatory membership rules of the working groups have been applied for more than twenty years. Turkish Society of Neurology published a single page of the working groups pages on its website this year. 'Home page', 'News', 'Participation conditions and principles' and 'Archive' sections have been prepared for each group. We wish our working groups to use the site more actively. In addition, working groups on 'Personnel Rights in Neurology' and 'Young Neurology Assistant Specialist (AGUH)' were established in 2022. Both working groups started their activities by holding their first meeting at the 58th National Neurology Congress.
Personal, Professional and Social Representation of Neurologists
Unfortunately, in 2022, Turkish Society of Neurology struggled with violence against physicians and health professionals, new regulations that negatively affected our personal rights, and the increasing difficulty of our working conditions, in many professional, social and academic issues. The Ministry of Health, Social Security Institution, YÖK, TİTCK and TTB UDEK were the authorities we applied frequently. Issues such as an unplanned increase in the number of neurology residents, restrictions on the use of various drugs, and useless rotations added to neurology training without justification were brought to the court this year. All processes are still followed closely and meticulously.
Towards 2023
As the Board of Directors of Turkish Society of Neurology, the year 2022 was spent protecting our beloved Turkish Society of Neurology and working for the neurology of our country. The Society has carried out many activities that we can count. It is believed that 2023 will be much better than 2022. These events would not exist without the involvement and support of neurologists. We would like to thank our professors and experts who made more than a thousand speeches at national congresses and other meetings, our colleagues who actively participated in these meetings, and our neurologist friends who continue to serve in clinics while their friends are in the hospital. meeting. We would like to express our endless thanks to the Board of Directors Committees and Commissions, Working Groups, editorial team and authors of our journal. As the Board of Directors, we would like to thank our employees of Turkish Society of Neurology, who worked with great devotion, especially Ms. Nurgül Sayhan. We wouSocietyld also like to thank all individuals and companies who provide financial, logistic and service support to our activities. The Board of Directors will accelerate its activities in 2023.
In the 100th anniversary of the Republic, Turkey's neurology will be the better!
Prof Mehmet Akif Topçuoğlu, President of the Turkish Society of Neurology (2021-2023)
On behalf of the Board of Directors of Turkish Society of Neurology
Picture 1. Main session speakers
Picture 2: Congress opening speech by M. Akif Topcuoglu (Right); EAN-TSN joint workshop (Left)
Picture 3: From left to right: Chairman of the Turkish Neurology Board Prof.Dr. Neşe Çelebisoy, head of Turkish Neurology Board Assessment and Evaluation (Examination) commission prof. Dr. Hatice Mavioğlu and the head of the Turkish Neurology Board Educational Institutions and Programs Evaluation (Accreditation) commission Prof.Dr. Filiz Koc.
Picture 4: "The question of the week", organized by Prof. Dr. Kayihan Uluc
Picture 5: The first Brain Health Campaign
Picture 6: The Second Brain Health Campaign
Picture 7: The Third Brain Health Campaign
Table-1: Turkish Society of Neurology Publications (2021-2022)
Table-2: Turkish Society of Neurology Publications (2014-2020)