EAN Bilimsel Komite Temsilcileri

EAN Scientific Panel Title Societal Representative  
ALS and frontotemporal dementia MD, Prof. Dr. Haşmet Ayhan Hanağası
ALS and frontotemporal dementia - junior MD, Associate Prof Erdi Şahin
Autonomic nervous system disorders MD, Prof. Dr. A. Emre  Oge
Autonomic nervous system disorders - junior MD, Associate Prof N. Gorkem Sirin 
Child neurology MD, Prof. Dr. Füsun Ferda Erdoğan
Child neurology - junior MD, Associate Prof Pınar  Topaloğlu
Clinical neurophysiology MD, Prof. Dr. Nurten Uzun Adatepe 
Clinical neurophysiology - junior MD, Associate Prof Görkem Sirin 
Coma and chronic disorders of consciousness MD, Prof. Dr. Serefnur Ozturk
Coma and chronic disorders of consciousness - junior MD Tugce Mengi
Dementia and cognitive disorders MD, Prof. Dr. Esen  Saka Topçuoğlu
Dementia and cognitive disorders - junior MD, Associate Prof Aslıhan Taşkıran Sağ
Epilepsy MD, Prof. Dr. Kadriye Ağan
Epilepsy - junior MD, Associate Prof Özden  Ertürk Çetin
Headache MD, Prof. Dr. Hamdi Necdet Karlı Karlı 
Headache - junior MD, Prof. Dr. Elif  Kocasoy Orhan
Higher cortical functions MD, Prof. Dr. Aslı  Demirtaş Tatlıdede
Higher cortical functions - junior MD, Associate Prof Bedia  Samancı
Infectious diseases MD, Prof. Dr. Erdem Yaka
Infectious diseases - junior MD Behice  Bircan
Movement disorders MD, Prof. Dr. Hakan  Kaleağası
Movement disorders - junior MD, Associate Prof Nazlı  Durmaz Çelik
Multiple sclerosis MD, Prof. Dr. Aksel Siva
Multiple sclerosis - junior MD, Associate Prof Sena Destan Bünül
Muscle & NMJ disorders MD, Prof. Dr. Yesim Parman
Muscle & NMJ disorders - junior MD, Prof. Dr. Aysegul Gunduz
Neurocritical care MD, Prof. Dr. Hadiye Sirin
Neurocritical care - junior MD Mehmet Yasir Pektezel
Neuroepidemiology MD, Prof. Dr. Hikmet Yılmaz
Neuroepidemiology - junior MD, Prof. Dr. Gülçin Benbir Şenel
Neurogenetics MD, Prof. Dr. Nerses Bebek
Neurogenetics - junior MD, Prof. Dr. Hacer  Durmuş Tekçe
Neuroimaging MD, Prof. Dr. Ethem Murat Arsava
Neuroimaging - junior MD, Associate Prof Ayşe Güler
Neuroimmunology MD, Prof. Dr. Ayşe  Altıntaş
Neuroimmunology - junior MD, Associate Prof Atay Vural
Neuro-oncology MD, Prof. Dr. Erdem Tüzün
Neuro-oncology - junior MD, Associate Prof Tuncay Gündüz
Neuro-ophthalmology and -otology MD, Prof. Dr. Gülden  Akdal
Neuro-ophthalmology and -otology - junior MD, Associate Prof Ayşe İlksen Çolpak Işıkay
Neuropathies MD, Prof. Dr. Ersin Tan
Neuropathies - junior MD, Associate Prof Pinar Kahraman Koytak
Neurorehabilitation MD, Prof. Dr. Şerefnur  Öztürk
Neurorehabilitation - junior MD, Prof. Dr. Şevki  Şahin
Neurosonology MD, Prof. Dr. M. Akif Topcuoglu
Neurosonology - junior MD Fatma Ger Akarsu
Neuroscience/translational neurology MD, Prof. Dr. Muge Yemisci Ozkan
Neuroscience/translational neurology - junior MD, Prof. Dr. Aslıhan Taşkıran Sağ
Neurotraumatology MD, Prof. Dr. Levent Gungor
Neurotraumatology - junior MD, Associate Prof Ozlem  Aykac
Pain MD, Prof. Dr. Işın  Ünal Çevik
Pain - junior MD, Prof. Dr. Zeynep Issı
Palliative care MD, Prof. Dr. Bijen Nazliel
Palliative care - junior MD, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Uğur  Çevik
Sleep-wake disorders MD, Prof. Dr. Sevda  İsmailoğulları
Sleep-wake disorders - junior MD, Associate Prof Aslı Akyol Gürses
Stroke MD, Prof. Dr. Atilla Ozcan Ozdemir
Stroke - junior MD, Associate Prof Turkan Acar


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